“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message…”
At Wellspring Church, we believe prayer is our lifeblood. Prayer is unique in that it is both an instruction from and an invitation into God's throne room. We deeply desire to be a people truly led by God to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We are a family in the body of Christ and we pray for each other. God has answered and moved in so many miraculous ways throughout the history of Wellspring that it would be difficult to name them all, but we will always remember that God answers.
At Wellspring Church, we want to embody the simple, yet profound command given in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray continually.” God wouldn’t expect this from us if it weren’t possible.
HOW we follow this command
Our worship services each Sunday are bathed in and feature prayer.
Our prayer chain and prayer wall provide opportunities for us to pray for each other (I Timothy 2:1) as well as request prayer for our own needs (James 5:16).
If you have illness, our elders are ready and willing to pray over you in the spirit of James 5:14-15. Please reach out to us by emailing church@wellspringcc.org to set an appointment to pray with the elders.
Send your requests to the prayer chain and or post them below on our prayer wall.
Set an appointment to pray with the elders by emailing church@wellspringcc.org.
Visit our prayer wall and pray for the requests posted there.
Request to be added to our email prayer chain by emailing jgamble@wellspringcc.org.
Come for pre-service prayer. Every Sunday morning at 8:30, we meet upstairs in Room 221 (enter through Entrance F, go through the lobby, up the stairs and to the left) to pray for our pastor, for the sermon, for the volunteers, for worship, for our congregation and more. All are welcome!
Get involved in a Life Group community! Prayer is one of the key elements of our Life Groups Ministry, and having an intimate, godly community go before the Lord’s throne frequently on your behalf is extraordinarily life-giving.
7 ways you can pray for your pastors
Pastoral ministry is a business unlike any other. It is a dangerous business. A sacred business. Here’s how you can pray.
SPIRITUAL PROTECTION: Father, please protect my pastor from the attacks of Satan. Give him the strength to endure temptation.
A CLEAN HEART: Father, please protect my pastor from the deceitfulness of sin that we are all so prone to. Guard him from sin.
SPIRITUAL ENCOURAGEMENT: Father please encourage my pastor by the power of your Spirit. Let his soul be refreshed with the love of Christ.
WISDOM: Father, please give my pastor your wisdom. Help him know the way to go even when the way is not clear.
DOCTRINAL FAITHFULNESS: Father, I pray for my pastor that you would help him hold fast to Scripture, even when others may tell him to let go.
HEALTH: Father please give my pastor supernatural strength. Protect him from sickness and disease.
STRONG MARRIAGE: Father, please give my pastor a supernaturally healthy marriage. Strengthen the bonds between him and his wife. Encourage them both in ministry.