What's it all about?
The Marriage Ministry at Wellspring Church is a team of Christ followers who believe in the beauty of Marriage. All marriages are part of God’s desire for the world to see the loving relationship that Jesus Christ has with the Church. For this reason, we desire to see all marriages healthy and thriving! We do this through Marriage Mentoring.
What is Marriage Mentoring?
Marriage Mentoring is where we pair a married couple up with another married couple who has been trained to help you navigate this journey called marriage. With the use of Biblical principles and the SYMBIS assessment, we can help mediate healthy discussion and challenge your marriage in meaningful way.
To be clear, marriage mentors are not professional counselors or therapists. While we are certainly able to make a referral to counseling is that becomes necessary, marriage mentors are people who desire to walk alongside you and your spouse to see your marriage grow from where it is today.
Who is Marriage Mentoring For?
Marriage mentoring is for three different types of marriages. It is for those who are newlywed and would like to begin their marriage with great conversation about hard issues. Marriage mentoring is for you if you are looking to maximize your current marriage and make it better than it already is. Finally, if your marriage is struggling and in need of repair, marriage mentoring is for you.
Marriage Date Night
We also offer an annual marriage workshop each year. These are designed to gather many married couples in one place and give them practical tips for helping their marriage right now.
Please watch the bulletin for times and topics as well as a registration link around those dates.
Ready to connect?
If you and your spouse are interested in being paired with a Marriage Mentor Couple, please complete the brief form linked here to help us get to know you.