Sharing Jesus Together

The world is desperate for the Savior, and Wellspring Church is called to participate in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the corner and across the globe. This is exciting work, something we want every person who calls Wellspring their home church to participate in. To that end, we aim to provide opportunities for our congregation to strengthen their walk with Christ by actively participating in mission work locally and globally, through finances, prayer and service.



Those who spread the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ are in desperate need of prayer, for open doors, God's guidance and protection, boldness of witness and much more.


The Great Commission is as important locally as it is globally. And we believe that developing relationships in our neighborhoods and our communities opens the door for sharing the Gospel.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
— Acts 1:8


If you attend Wellspring and sense God’s leading for a short term mission trip and need support, please complete our brief application form below.



If you attend Wellspring and sense God’s leading for a longer term mission trip and need support, please complete our brief application form below.


Africa Inland Mission

We partner with a couple living in North Africa that is seeking to see revival among a predominantly Muslim unreached people group. Due to security reasons, there are some details of their work that cannot be shared online. Their passion is to see a Christ-centered church established and thriving among these people. Please pray that many would come to know Christ as they do daily evangelism and that a witnessing church would be raised up in their city.


We support a couple that is currently in training and raising support to be sent to the middle East to reach Muslim refugees with the hope of the Gospel. Their long term vision is to establish a healthy, multiplying church through meeting the physical needs of refugees, building relationships, and sharing the Gospel. Please pray that God would prepare opportunities to share the Gospel and soften the hearts of the refugees they will serve. 

Kyle & Melissa Donker • Cru, New Mexico State University

Kyle & Melissa seek to make much of Christ through evangelism, discipleship, and missions mobilization. They engage primarily with university students in hopes of sending them throughout the world, ready to see and prepared to engage with the good works God has already prepared for them.

EastWest Ministries International

A couple in our church serves in regions where Christians are severely persecuted and it is illegal to talk with others about the Gospel. Due to security reasons, some details of their work cannot be shared on our website. He serves as Vice-President of Equipping and leads a team focused on equipping local believers and church leaders in the most difficult to reach and spiritually darkest places on the planet. Their ministry includes training and empowering men and women in evangelism, leadership, discipleship, and church planting methods that will lead to church planting movements.


Sara Gillette • Cru at Grand Valley State University

Sara serves students at Grand Valley State University through the campus ministry of Cru. She seeks to win, build and send Christ-centered multiplying disciples who launch spiritual movements. In Cru, we desire to have movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. As Sara engages in conversations with students at Grand Valley, she shares the gospel, shows students the love of Christ, leads Bible studies, and disciples students to help them become multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ. Please pray for Sara and the GV Cru team that they would be used by God to reach the students at Grand Valley with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Global Serve International • Florida

We support an individual who has said yes to God’s calling to bring the Gospel to the unreached. Due to security reasons, there are some details of his team’s work that cannot be shared online. He is living in the Eastern Europe/West Asia region working and praying to see a healthy church raised up among a historically Muslim people group that has never had access to the Gospel. Please pray that God would provide protection for their team and a softening of hearts in those they minister to.

Greater Europe Missions:

We support a couple who serves in a region in Southeastern Europe. Due to security reasons, there are some details of their work that cannot be shared online. Their goal is to reach Muslims with the hope of the Gospel and equip them to share their faith among their communities. Please pray that God would protect their ministry and raise up many believers from among their region as they share the Gospel. Pray also that the new believers would have great zeal to reach their own people groups.

Jonathan & Jessica Holmberg • High Wycombe, England

The Holmbergs (along with their family Joel, Ethan & Barney) are working with an organization that has the vision to invite all Muslim people around the world to follow Jesus. They both have key roles that involve: providing leadership and practical support to approx. 250 diverse teams spread over 8 key regions from Morocco to Indonesia, recruiting and training Brits to join these teams, facilitating healthy collaboration between regional leaders and training / sending bases, leading short term trips for those interested in long-term work, and many other ‘odds and ends’ that are involved with seeing the Gospel preached and lived out among these precious people.


Dan & Rachel Smither • Key of Hope, Durban, South Africa

Our mission is to reach children affected by poverty and AIDS with the hope found in Jesus Christ through long-term mentoring relationships. We achieve this through a variety of weekly programs, including: preschools, Saturday Kidz Klub, choir, school fees assistance, feeding programs, after school tutoring, job skill training, and leadership development, among others. Today, children rescued through these programs have traveled overseas on concert tours, served in internships with other ministries in the United States, and attended university on scholarships through Key of Hope.

Andy & Michelle Shinabery • East-West, Latin America

Andy directs field ministry in Colombia for East West. Our goal is to multiply followers of Jesus in the spiritually darkest places of the world.

Richard & Catherine Weston • Friendship International, Oxford, UK

We live in Oxford, UK, where the world comes to study. God can do amazing things when ordinary Christians in local churches offer friendship to people a long way from home. We have been welcoming international students in our home since 1985 and have worked at encouraging churches in the UK to do the same. More recently we have travelled to other parts of the world to encourage churches there to care for foreign students in their cities and to share Jesus with them.



