For over a decade, Pastor Michael has felt called by God to plant a church. However, over the past few months (in communication with the Wellspring Elders) God has led Michael to work alongside the Great Commission Collective (GCC) church planting network among multiple church-planting support partners, including Wellspring. His church planter training began in September, and Wellspring has established a church plant advisory team to help with oversight of Michael and the plant. This advisory team will also lead in helping Wellspring discern how to best partner with and support the church plant. For now, Michael will remain the Executive Pastor at Wellspring until the timing of his transition is further clarified in the months ahead. While we are saddened that the Swindells will be moving on, we are thrilled that they are following Jesus and that God is continuing to advance his work in West Michigan through church planting, and we are excited to be part of it!
1) Location/City - Pray that God shows us clearly where he wants us to begin meeting and engaging the city with the gospel
2) Team Swindell - Pray for spiritual protection and encouragement in everything.
3) Finances - Pray for smooth logistics and increased financial generosity toward King's Church.
4) Leadership - Pray that God raises up the right leaders who are godly and aligned.
5) People/Recruiting - Pray that God clearly speaks to those who are supposed to be a part of King's Church and that they respond in faith!
6) King's Values - That King's Church would be more and more a gospel-centered, Spirit-empowered, family on mission