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JULY 14, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson • Genesis 39:20-23, 40:8-19

Despite Joseph's displays of integrity, he is thrown in prison based on a false accusation. Despite these less than ideal conditions, Joseph still honors God with his heart and with his actions. Will God work a miracle while Joseph sits in a dark dungeon instead of a palatial home? Is Joseph's testing complete?

JULY 7, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson • Psalm 26:2–3, Genesis 39:1–15, 2 Corinthians 5:17

We're all going to face tests of our faith along this journey through life, and Joseph was no exception. In this message, we'll examine two significant tests ordained to grow Joseph's faith and dependence on God's plan. These tests also show what Joseph is able to deny in order to be able to assume the power and position God designed for him.

JUNE 30, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson • Genesis 37:12-28

At the bottom of an inescapable well, Joseph surely must have pondered what God was up to. After all, wasn't everything going his way? The promise of position and power from God, a beautiful, ornate coat from dad... but God had to rid one thing from Joseph's life, and it wasn't going to be an easy journey...

JUNE 23, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson • Genesis 37:1-11, Ephesians 2:8-10

At some point in our lives, we have all wondered "Why was I created? What is all this for?" If we look to God's Word, we see that God absolutely has a purpose for our existence. We'll take a look at Joseph in the book of Genesis and see a young man who endured devastating consequences before coming into God's incredible purpose for His life. How do you prepare for the gift of God's purpose in your life?

JUNE 16, 2024

Pastor John KlumppMark 10:23-30, 1 Timothy 6:17, Matthew 5:10-12

Those who are willing to give up everything to follow Jesus will have blessings in this life and in the life to come. But what is it we need to give up? How do we resist the pull of the wealth this world tells us we should pursue?

JUNE 9, 2024

Pastor John KlumppMark 10:17-22, 1 Chronicles 16:34, Psalm 14:3

We continue with our Summer Series and a look at the idea of idols. We may not even be aware of the things in our lives (even good things sometimes) that take the place of God on the throne of our hearts. How do we recognize something we've been blind to? How do we tear those down and live our lives for Jesus instead?

JUNE 2, 2024

Jake Boerman • Proverbs 14:31, Matthew 25:31–46, Leviticus 19:9–10
God's heart for those in the margins is on display all throughout the story of Scripture. His expectation is that we would create margin on our lives, to be His hands and feet displayed to those in need around us. With busy lives filled with numerous good things to do week in and week out, are we willing to slow down and ask Him how we might be used in this way?




March 10 - May 26, 2024

MAY 26, 2024

Pastor Steve GibsonDaniel 6:24–28, Matthew 27:65–66

Because of Daniel's continued obedience and adherence to the power of prayer, he survived his encounter with lions and continued to be used by God to influence the world around him. How has the power of God and the power of prayer been evident in your life? Are we willing or even remembering to invite God's power and presence into the situations of our lives?

MAY 19, 2024

Pastor Steve GibsonDaniel 6:15–28, Romans 8:28, 2 Timothy 4:17–18, 1 Peter 3:14–17, Psalm 94:15

Daniel faces a life-threatening situation as a direct result of his faith and obedience to God. Daniel knows that Yahweh is king, and has made it his goal to bring people to faith in Him. In spite of this threat to life and limb brought by an unbeliever, and facing a torturous death, Daniel could still have peace, knowing that God is in complete control. How can we follow his example?

MAY 12, 2024

Pastor Steve GibsonJeremiah 29:7, 1 Peter 2:11–17, Daniel 6:1–15, Daniel 5:11–12, Matthew 5:14–16

We live in a world and a society that more closely resembles Babylon with each passing day. As people who belong to Jesus Christ, how are we to live lives and maintain reputations that reflect our love for God while still honoring those placed in authority over us? Why would God empower us supernaturally to be loyal to a godless authority in a godless kingdom?

MAY 5, 2024

Jay SheppardDaniel 5:1–28, Isaiah 42:8, Isaiah 48:11

As we are called and designed to do, we will gather together for worship and to glorify God on Sunday. We'll continue in the incredible and compelling book of Daniel. You are invited to join us at 9 or 11am!

APRIL 28, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson1 Peter 5:5–6, Job 40:10–12, Daniel 4:10–37, Isaiah 2:12, Ezekiel 16:49–50

Nobody loves being served a slice of humble pie, and God even says numerous times in His word how He opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble. King Nebuchadnezzar receives a humiliating interpretation of a dream that he received because of his own lofty sense of self. How will we respond when God reveals our own pride and arrogance? Will we humble ourselves so that God does not have to?

APRIL 21, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson • Daniel 3:19–30, Psalm 23:4, Hebrews 11:36–37

A dedicated and unwavering faith is the most credible witness we have in terms of truly sharing Christ to the world. But what does that look like? How do we live lives that demonstrate a faith that doesn't fear in the face of difficulty and struggle? What compelled three young men to be more willing to go through the torment of fire than to bow to an idol they knew had no power?

APRIL 14, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson • Daniel 3:1–16, 1 Timothy 1:15

The world we live in is hyperfocused on the ability to "get yours." Our self-focus can be so insidious that we don't even realize we've taken Christ off His rightful throne, and set up the idolatry of self in His place. Are you so focused on affirmation, on your own betterment, on your own victories that you may be exalting yourself and not God? Can you find the beauty in forgetting yourself for the glory of God?

APRIL 7, 2024

Pastor John Klumpp • Daniel 2:14–49

Sunday we will continue our look at the book of Daniel, and see how King Nebuchadnezzar responds to undeniable proof of the power of God as he explains his bizarre dream to Daniel.

MARCH 31, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson • Exodus 3:9–14, John 8:58–59, John 11:25, Hosea 13:14

He's the Great I AM! We will celebrate Jesus Christ, the risen King together on Sunday, with two services to choose from. We'll worship through song, prayer, the teaching of God's word, and enjoy community together, and you're invited to come and take part with us! See you Sunday at 9 or 11am!

March 29, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson • Ephesians 2:8–9, Hebrews 10:11–18

Good Friday is a time of remembrance of what it cost the Lord Jesus Christ to secure our salvation. He took on a human body, was beaten and murdered out of men's hatred for Him, out of His devotion to God, and out of His love for you and me. We will learn tonight why Christ's act of loving sacrifice was enough to make our relationship right with God...once and for all.

March 24, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson • Daniel 1:17–21, Daniel 2:1–11

"You Do You." It's a mantra continually repeated by a world that encourages us to live our own individual truth. But is that what God wants? How does God redeem those who have followed this mindset and rescue from the devastation it causes?

March 17, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson • Daniel 1:3–16, Proverbs 24:24–26

This world wants to see those who trust in the name of thae Lord conform to its culture, even going so far as to give us new names, encourage our disobedience and to take our eyes off of God. So how does one resist the world's temptations and intrusions while remaining compassionate and demonstrating the love of Christ?

March 10, 2024

Pastor Steve Gibson2 Kings 20:16–18, Jeremiah 29:4–14, Daniel 1:1–2, Isaiah 45:23

We begin our series in the dramatic and compelling book of Daniel. As we follow this young man through the course of his time in captivity in Babylon, we'll get a sharp picture of what it looks like to remain faithful to God even while living in an environment that not only ignores God, but is openly hostile to Him. By following Daniel's godly example, we'll see its possible to have a positive influence on that society.