Welcome to Wellspring Kids!
“FINDING JESUS: In People, In the Bible, In Life”
Wellspring Kids desires to help children as they are Finding Jesus: in people, in the Bible and in life. Our crew of superheroes (volunteers) are committed to serving God and sharing His love and compassion with every child they interact with. Through the teaching of God’s word from beginning to end, we are able to showcase the amazing truth of God’s word and connect every story to the Real Hero, Jesus. We engage the students in worship, video teaching, live teaching, and demonstrate the importance of the gospel. It is not enough to simply hear the stories of the Bible on Sunday mornings, which is why we also encourage children to find Jesus as they go throughout their week.
Sunday Morning
Our Sunday Morning Kids Programming is open for Birth-4th grade during BOTH services! Check-in will begin 15 minutes prior to service.
New to Wellspring?
Pre-Register here for Sunday Morning Check-In! Pre-registration helps smooth out and speed up the check-in process on Sunday Mornings.
Checking in your Kids at Wellspring:
Visit the check-in stations in the West Lobby or the Nursery to print name tags for your child. Our great team of Ambassadors will greet you and help you find the right class for your kid!
Drop Off (Maps will be available from our team):
Infants Birth-24months: Nursery (Room 126)
2-year-old through Kindergarten: North Kids Wing (Rooms 110-113)
1st & 2nd Grade: Fireside Room (Room 131)
3rd & 4th Grade: South AC (Room 136)
Join Our Kids Ministry Team!
Kids Ministry at Wellspring simply doesn't happen without a fantastic team working together. Our desire and greatest joy is to help kids find Jesus in people, in the Bible and in Life. We have many opportunities for you to share in this experience. Join our team and make an eternal difference by serving one service, once a month!
We love sharing with people in our community the vibrance and joy in the ministries and programs we host at Wellspring Church. For this reason we often take photos of events, and with Wellspring Church being a public place, it is a fair expectation that your minor child may appear in a photo we share on our website or in our social media channels. If for any reason you would like a photo removed, we are happy to do so with no questions asked. Simply email our Communications Director at jgamble@wellspringcc.org.