
We know from God’s word that when people share the things God has done, it encourages and energizes other believers. Sharing the things God has done is part of our Core Values, and serves to build people up in the faith.

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony...” Revelation 12:11


Has God shown His faithfulness in providing needs in an unexpected way? Have you been given a job, been able to share the Gospel or overcome a health difficulty? Have you endured a difficult season and now want to share your story as an encouragement to your brothers and sisters in Christ? Please share your story using the form below. We’d love to connect with you about it too!

Please be aware that occasions may arise were we may ask individuals to share their testimony from the front. However, this is not always going to be the case. Sharing your testimony with Wellspring does not always mean that you will have the opportunity to personally share this testimony yourself from the front on Sundays. Sometimes, we believe it is better for a pastor or staff member to share. In addition, we sometimes may believe it is best to share certain portions of your testimony. Sharing your testimony here means that you agree to allow us to make the determination to share your testimony (in part or as a whole) as we see it fitting into our worship service.